Welcome to MPN support. How can we help?
A campaign is the time frame for a sampling. The time frame of the campaign is determined by the start date of the first action and ends after 90 days.
You can activate, pause, delete or prematurely end a campaign.

In addition you may also decide:
- Re-Sampling – Are newly added editors to be sampled or not?
- Mailing – Which email address do you wish to post for editors who have no downloading rights to email their request? We will send you notification when a product request is there.
As soon as you have set up a campaign with at least one action you may activate the campaign or the desired action.
The sampling costs are due upon activation. After the activation do not change the sampling time frames!
As a result you activate the product in your own way only at the moment:
As a result you activate the product in your own way only at the moment:
- the audio data are played in and
- when you are certain that you have correctly set up the sampling time frame.
You can re-activate your products that are no longer active at any time, when you set up a new campaign. New costs are triggered thereby.
Please always pay attention to the status:
- Active – The sampling by your selected media partner has taken place and the product is visible to the media partner.
- Activated – The sampling takes place automatically at the selected starting point in time, which is in the future. Please ensure that at this status your product is complete at the starting point in time, that is to say that the audios are also available
- Paused – A campaign and/or the action can only be paused by you. A pause prevents the presentation of the product on the media partner page and downloading is also no longer possible. You can cancel the pause at any time. Should a campaign and/or action be paused the sampling time frame is not automatically extended according to the days it is paused, but runs to the end time already set up.
- Terminated – The sampling time frame has run its course, your product is no longer visible to the media partner. Do you wish to prevent active sampling before regular sampling time frame has run its course and no longer include it, then you can end the campaign completely.